Monday, November 21, 2011

Is a coral beauty angle fish good for a beginner?

I have been doing research for about two years now and last year I was pretty close to plunging into the saltwater world. I bought a 50 gallon, but then decided to wait and do some more research. Now I am not sure I want to take on a 50 gallon, althogthough I heard the bigger the easier. First I want to try with a 10 or 20 gallon with one or two fish. Clowns or a coral beauty. Is this a good idea?Is a coral beauty angle fish good for a beginner?
I am one that does not believe a smaller salt water tank is harder.

It is a lot easier to maintain and lot easier to solve a problem with a large water change. High ammonia or nitrate, do a 90% water change. which size tank you actually do this on? Get a 29 gal Oceanic bio cube. Has all the filtering systems and light for some soft coral if you want to go this route. Angels should only go in a tank thats at least a year old.Is a coral beauty angle fish good for a beginner?
the smaller you go, the harder it will be, Y?

Because the smaller the tank, water parameters change more. Making it harder.

Two ocellaris clownfish will be just fine in a 50 gallon aquarium,

Coral beauties or angelfish in general are not beginner fishes, angelfish need a special diet consisting of sponge, so you will need to be able to provide them this food.

Angelfish tend to be very aggressive to others, so if you get this, dont get another dwarf angelfish.
A 10-20 gallon saltwater tank is NOT for beginners. Go with the 50 gallon.
heyallll naw, yo man start out wid lyke a grate wite shark or sumthin man.

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