Monday, November 21, 2011

How have standards of beauty changed throughout history?

For example, today being relatively slim is considered good looking, but back in the Middle Ages peasants would use pillows to appear fatter, and therefore healthier and richer, since this meant that they could afford to eat.How have standards of beauty changed throughout history?
it's different in all different cultures. in some parts of africa girls are force fed to make them fatter, while some western women starve themselves so be thin. in thailand women are considered beautiful if they're pale so they don't go out in the sun, but some western women are orange lol

so it really depends what culture you're talking about.

it used to be all about showing how wealthy you were, now wealth is less important and it's about perfect features and large - ahem - attributes

make up and clothes tend to revolve around showing you have things which are desirable - fun could be conveyed with bright clothes and stuff like thatHow have standards of beauty changed throughout history?
yes the standards of beauty has changed! but it really depends on what culture you're talking about. but overall yes. as you said a people used to try to be/look fatter. this was because it showed that you were rich and could afford the food. but now if you're fat people think that it's because you have no discipline or will power not to eat. being skinny is now a sign of achievement!
It seems as though you've answered your own question.

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