Monday, November 21, 2011

I have auditions For The Play Beauty and The Beast Next Week, What song should I sing?

I have auditions next week for the school play Beauty And The Beast, What song should I sing for auditions?

By The Way Im 14 and Im in Middle School.I have auditions For The Play Beauty and The Beast Next Week, What song should I sing?
Well, what part do you want? I always try to fit my audition song with the character I'm going for - just an added little something to help the director picture me in that role. ( I Auditioned for -and got-the part of Babette in a local production)

Anyway, No matter what song you choose - don't sing songs from popular songs like wicked. I swear, so many girls sang songs from that show at my audition and none of them could pull them off at all. they're hard songs to sing. besides, the directors are sick of the popular shows. sing nothing, i mean NOTHING, from Annie. Try not to sing a song from Beauty and the Beast, since a ton of girls will do that too. about 10 girls sang ';Home'; and not only sang the same song - but the same verse!

Most importantly, be relaxed and show some personality. this show has wonderful character parts in it - babette for instance. I get to tango with the hottest guy in the school! *smile*I have auditions For The Play Beauty and The Beast Next Week, What song should I sing?
Sing a song you can sing. It does not have to be from the musical, but be prepared to sing a song from the musical just in case. Whatever you sing bring a copy of the sheet music so that the musician knows what to play. Also make sure that the music fits the music of the play. If most of the music being played in a musical is a waltz then it does you no good to sing jazz. Also bring several different songs, sad songs happy songs, funny songs etc. That way if the director asks you to try something else you have something else instead of having to rely on the musician or director. Oh, and at the audition, be respectful to the other performers, your audition begins when you enter the door and ends when the director dismisses you from the room. And if you don't get the part approach the director and tell him you enjoyed auditioning for him and you hope you will be able to again.
You have to sing something that fits your voice and that is similar to the type of music in this musical. I'd go with a slower song, maybe something a little romantic. Also, choose a song from a musical. Some theater companies won't even allow you to audition with a pop song or a High School Musical song. A wonderful song is Goodbye, Little Dream, Goodbye from the musical anything goes. if you can, watch a video for that sone or of the song Home from Beauty and the Beast, then pick a similar song.
Something that fits your voice part...if you can sing higher I would say something from Wicked, of I loved you once in silence from Camelot. If you sing lower you could pick something from Rent or another popular musical like that. Don't go with a cheesy pop song. If you can't find anything on your own you may want to go talk to your choir teacher.
well im sure you've seen beauty and the beast sing something that you think will fit the part your auditioning for..check the songs and see what you think your song should be..if it should be slow or fast or high or have to know that first and once you do it wont be that's not a bad idea to actually choose a song from the play itself...

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