Saturday, July 24, 2010

What is the word that describes the beauty in something ugly?

I think I heard this word in a movie or a show, but can't remember the word. I also can't find it online. I looked everywhere.What is the word that describes the beauty in something ugly?
ugifulWhat is the word that describes the beauty in something ugly?
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, GOD created man in his image, but so many forget, only those with small minds, self centered use that ugly word to express themselves or get a laugh, disgusting to make fun of those who are more beautiful, understanding than those making the statement
Internal Beauty
It could be ';rose-colored glasses';. When you look through the lensrd of rose-colored glasses, you see the beauty of what you want to see. Even though, in reality, the ugliness is still there and it's all around you.

If it's a nice word you're looking for, it's probably ';euphemistic'; Euphemisms tend to take the sting off the reality of what you want to say, as so it doesn't hurt people unnecessarily.
are you looking for one word or a phrase like ';diamond in the rough';?
When something or someone is unattractive as far as characteristics, but they have a beautiful Spirit. They are kind, considerate, loving, and a joy to be around, they are said to have an ';Inner Beauty';. That means that their personality far exceeds their looks and therefore makes them beautiful.

However the same goes for the opposite. If someone is beautiful in looks but has a mean Spirit, they in turn are said to have a ';black Heart';. Their looks can do them no good. They are ugly through and through.

paula s
The true beauty of anyone is spiritual. The word that best describes this to me is SOUL.
Beer Goggles?

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